blog (noun): online personal reflections

Are You the Hero or the Villain?
Your words hold supernatural powers; will you choose to be the hero or the villain of your story?
Are You the Hero or the Villain?
Your words hold supernatural powers; will you choose to be the hero or the villain of your story?

Progress Over Perfection
No matter what your story is or where it's taking you, always reflect on the progress you've made.
Progress Over Perfection
No matter what your story is or where it's taking you, always reflect on the progress you've made.

Find Your Voice
Finding our voice is more than just sifting through the noise and having something to say.
Find Your Voice
Finding our voice is more than just sifting through the noise and having something to say.

Planned Content vs. Spontaneous Inspiration
Spontaneous inspiration can be fun and feel good in the moment, but planned content will lead to progress in the long run.
Planned Content vs. Spontaneous Inspiration
Spontaneous inspiration can be fun and feel good in the moment, but planned content will lead to progress in the long run.

Why I Write
What lies might be holding you back? What twists and turns are waiting to be explored? Why do you keep wanting to close the book when the story has not...
Why I Write
What lies might be holding you back? What twists and turns are waiting to be explored? Why do you keep wanting to close the book when the story has not...

Even if He Doesn't...
Faith in God, unlike any other religion, is a unique relational experience. There are those who experience bad times, reject who God claims to be, and walk away. Then there...
Even if He Doesn't...
Faith in God, unlike any other religion, is a unique relational experience. There are those who experience bad times, reject who God claims to be, and walk away. Then there...