Many people have asked me if I'm a minimalist when they visit my house. I'm not sure why because, in my mind, we have a lot of stuff. However, over the years, I've found it easier to let go of physical, tangible items. My inbox and digital folders, on the other hand, are a whole different story.
In preparation for a more intentional start to 2024, I decided to sort through some old files. In the spirit of Elsa from Frozen, I thought, "Let it go, let it go!"
While looking through old emails and reminiscing about times gone by, I found messages about trademarks, starting a business, and creating a website. I even stumbled upon my first business card template. Some of these emails predate Teddyfly, which humbled me as I got this behind-the-scenes glimpse into my own story.
Interestingly, I was learning how to start and run a business before I even had a desire to be a business owner. God was planting the seed of entrepreneurship in my heart, and like most characters in books, I was oblivious to the plot. I'm not sure who you are or where you are in your journey, but take heart.
"Don't despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin." - Zechariah 4:10 NLT
As a storyteller, I enjoy reading a book or watching a movie with a twist I didn't see coming. It's delightful to think of God, the Author and Creator of the universe, experiencing the same joy when He observes our lives unfolding. Do the angels ask, "Have you seen what's happening with so-and-so? They're really tripping over themselves down there."
Is God sitting on the edge of His seat, covering a huge grin with one hand, saying, "I know, keep watching, it's going to be good"?
Starting any journey can be challenging, even something fun like a vacation. You have to plan and pack, and no matter how well you prepare, there's always a chance that something was missed. I used to stress about any journey, especially life-changing ones. I wasn't keen on stepping into the unknown until I had tested the waters.
Even though I'll be deleting emails, I'll still have old journals to remind me of my progress. Once, I knew nothing about websites, but now I've helped others design and troubleshoot theirs. Once, I was hand-coloring illustrations, now I hire professional graphic designers. Once, I printed my children's book on photo machines at Walmart to gift to one person - now, I'm printing books on demand for readers worldwide.
No matter what your story is or where it's taking you, always reflect on the progress you've made. Acknowledge the messy sections and continue without striving for perfection. Small steps forward, even if they're not pretty or perfect, will still get you further than standing still.