"None of us is as smart as all of us." 

-Ken Blanchard

Writers are great at creating things, especially excuses to delay their manuscript's completion: no time, writer's block, an unfinished ending, lack of support and so on.

We've partnered with a team of passionate storytellers who are ready to help you dismiss your excuses and complete your story.

Schedule a Call Today

So, what's your excuse?

Excuse: I'm not even sure where to start.

Speak with someone who has been in your shoes.

Nicole Donoho

With over 17 years of writing and publishing experience, she is well-versed in helping authors avoid amateur annoyances. As the owner of Teddyfly, Nicole is passionate for quality storytelling and ready to help you map out the next steps of your journey.

Book a Call Today

Excuse: I'm not good with grammar.

Partner with an Editor

Embee's Elite Services

Monica Barnes is a author and writer who also loves to read. She understands your story must be grammatically enjoyable to the reader but also stay true to you.

View Her Services

Excuse: I've Published a Book But Can't Get Sales

Partner with the ThriveIn Learning Team

Learn to Sell Your Book by the CASELOAD!

Shana Danielle has created a one of a kind team of authorpreneurs focused on helping authors level up from surviving to thriving in their business.

Learn More Today